About Us
Weekly insider legal marketing tips that will help you grow your practice. Liel Levy from Nanato Media and Grace Montealegre from Persist / Gacovino, Lake & Associates, present actionable takeaways that solve law firm marketing and business problems, all while promoting a multicultural and inclusive approach.

Liel was born and raised in Mexico City, to an Israeli family. Growing up, he spent time in Mexico, the US, and Israel.
He studied International Hotel Management at the Swiss Hotel School Les Roches campus in Marbella, Spain, where he obtained his BBA. That led him to 12 years of a successful career in the Hotel Industry, where he worked at some of the most renowned and prestigious hotels around the world.
Liel’s exposure to legal marketing to US Hispanics dates back to his childhood, where he witnessed how he’s uncle built from the ground a brand that aimed to help injured Latinos in California. Liel had the privilege of getting involved in his uncle’s business from an early age. From handing out balloons at community events as a child to an intake agent as a teenager and, most recently, leading the brand to new markets as it continues to expand at a national and international level.