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S3 E8: Hijackin’ Content


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S3 E8: Hijackin’ Content





As we continue the get closer to the much-feared “page experience update,” we explore why law firms still need to prioritize the quality of their content over any other technical SEO optimization. And it’s not only us who think that way; Google does too.

Our conversation picked where we left last week, discussing the explosion in demand and interest resulting from the Texas power grid failure to Google’s outage that thankfully left little repercussions.

OK, so content is king, but you don’t know where to get started. Grace shows us how to use free tools to find ideas and topics to write about, and Liel explains how you can join the conversation on trending topics to “steal” the attention and even use other parties’ content ethically to capture new leads for your law firm.

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Liel: [00:00:00] A good page experience doesn’t override having great relevant content. Those are Google’s words as they prepare us for the upcoming page experience update. I’m Liel Levy, co-founder of Nanato Media, and this is In Camera podcast where we believe you should care about Web Core Vitals because you care about your clients.

Liel: [00:00:51] Welcome to In Camera podcast, Private Legal Marketing Conversations. Welcome back. Grace, how are you today?

Grace: [00:00:57] Good, how are you, Liel?

Liel: [00:00:58] Grace couldn’t be better. It’s my birthday.

Grace: [00:01:01] Happy birthday.

Liel: [00:01:03] Yay! Thank you so much. Yeah.

Liel: [00:01:04] And as I said, I couldn’t be happier to be spending this special day here with you, a recording In Camera podcast, particularly because, as always, we have prepared a nice and interesting conversation to have. But before we get into that, Grace, let’s talk a little bit about some updates and follow up on a previous topic that we discussed last week. Right. So, of course, last week we were just coming out of the power grid failure situation here in Texas. We talk about that. And you actually mentioned that there was already quite a bit of movement happening in terms of initiating class actions and as a whole claims. Right, including personal injury claims. And I can report back GREs after seven days that now we are in the midst of working on all of these campaigns because that’s what our local attorneys are seeing being a really good opportunity. Right. So we’ve gone from nothing to already have TV commercial spots on the calendar to be shot this weekend and next week. And so there’s really a lot of interest in capturing either potential class action complaints here or from attorneys who are actually looking for individual injury cases that came as a result of these events.

Liel: [00:02:31] And here is the thing. You probably also read the email from X social media that just came out, I think, yesterday afternoon where they were already saying, well, I mean, we’ve already got it started here and we have already received more than six hundred leads over a period of a few days. They’re also getting ready to launch TV campaigns. And it’s just because there is a lot of momentum. And here’s the other thing, Grace. Right. I know some people are thinking, well, I don’t know. I mean, it’s going to be two weeks or ten days by the time we reach mid-next week. But it’s only now when people are starting to gathering themselves and really coming out of all of these and stabilizing and starting to have these conversations. So, so definitely not too late. We’ve just seen primarily the markets that are in central Texas, right from Houston to Dallas, all the way to from Austin, all the way down to the Rio Grande Valley. We’ve seen a real increase in overall personal injury calls in these last week. So I think, you know, there’s a lot of interesting moving pieces to all of this. So, yeah, I wanted to share that.

Grace: [00:03:37] You know, I have definitely seen that. And I saw what, you know, came from X social just yesterday. And, yeah, I mean, it isn’t too late. As you said, you can still get involved in helping those who were affected by this. And exactly as you said, it’s kind of separate into two things, right? There’s residential and the commercial in terms of the claims and personal injury issues that occurred because of the power outages. So just to be a little more specific about what’s going on, that’s kind of how it’s divvied up, just like you said, Liel, but that’s basically what it’s about. And that’s kind of it isn’t too late to get involved. And if you have any questions about what this kind of entails, you can always reach out to myself or Liel and will be more than happy to talk to you about whether it’s digital marketing on Liel’s side or getting involved on the cases on my side.

Liel: [00:04:29] Yes, absolutely, Grace. So I particularly think of the attorneys that may not be in Texas, but they want to get involved. This definitely could be through co-counseling. Right. A good opportunity to get on board.

Liel: [00:04:43] So, Grace, that’s that. Right. But there’s this week, it’s been full of digital news as well. And so we can touch on some of those before we get into our topic of the day. And I’d like to start with a few things. Number one, this week there was a huge Google Ads outage.

Liel: [00:05:04] So while most of users who are using Google ads did not notice it, Google ads, account managers definitely did. It was quite scary. But the good news is that they didn’t really had any major consequences to it. The only main issue right now is that if you had any pending or open complaints right now, just have an extra delay in handling those, which is never great. I mean, Google Ads is a platform which already takes quite a bit of time to troubleshoot on issues, particular issues. And this situation as a whole doesn’t help that much. A few additional announcements have been made also, particularly for Google ads as a platform, again, all the time looking more towards automation, automation, automation, but these are more kind of like related to shopping as a platform, so not something that is so relevant for us here. And the other only element here is that political ads are back on the charts for Google ads, which again, I know we do talk here a lot about law firms and such, but district attorneys and those that sort of thing also fall and get affected by these type of rules that Google sometimes put. Right.

Liel: [00:06:23] So that’s one of the things that we’ve seen. Another thing here is that we’re getting very close to the update, if you may. One of the biggest updates that we were looking at in 2021 from Google, which is page user experience as a ranking factor. And while this has been on the works almost already for a year, it’s really going to consolidate itself in just a few months from now. Believe it’s May when it’s going to come full-strength. But the good news that we’ve heard and learned and kind of like were disclosed to us over the week by Danny Sullivan from Google, was that actually the update itself, it will potentially benefit a lot of people, but it’s not likely to do any meaningful harm to existing pages that may have not necessarily paid as much as attention into certain elements that are going to be playing an important role into this like core web vitals. Right. Which is a very, very hot term that is starting to get used more and more and more since last year. And the reality is that a lot of these page experience ranking factors are already a factor. Now, right, mobile optimization, speed and such. They already play a role right now. They’re just going to kind of be more unified and more potentially have even more weight than they have now. But what Google said, what the message is being, is that content will continue to come first. So if you’re failing at any of these particular elements, factors, if your content is still the best one, you’re still going to succeed. Now, what do we know about law firms? Is that there is a lot of law firms, particularly in very competitive markets, where everyone’s doing a great job. And so people have good content, they’re working and they’re doing a good effort to put up original, creative, genuine content. So those kinds of scenarios are really going to be who is actually also doing an excellent job on the technical side of things, who’s going to end up getting to sit on position number one as a crown? Right. So I think it’s important. And you would know what kind of scenario you are in. But I definitely see primarily, as I just said, big markets, competitive keywords, search terms. If you’re into the personal injury market and you’re in places like Florida or New York or California or Texas. Yeah, I mean, it’s you know, these technical optimizations are going to become very, very important. So just kind of like a reminder that it’s coming. But none of that is offsetting the importance of content. So you can have the best and fastest website. If your content is not good. You’re not going to succeed, it doesn’t compensate, doesn’t work that way. So that’s some kind of like the reality reflections that we’ve been having here and been talking around here over the past few days. Grace, what are your thoughts on that?

Grace: [00:09:31] One hundred percent? I mean, as we both know on here, we’re always talking about content and content is king and how, you know, you can get to number one or at least be up there in the three-pack. If you have a good user experience on your website. That holds true year after year after year, month after month, day after day, no matter what you’re doing.

Grace: [00:09:52] And so, you know, it’s super important, I think, for us, for everyone that listens to our podcast and anybody that listens to our podcast to understand that as implicitly as possible, you need good content. And even particularly when you’re in a big place like New York or Miami or any of these states that have cities that are just inundated with people that do just as good as you need to be thought through and done consistently.

Liel: [00:10:22] Exactly Grace. And so really, there is no escaping the fact that you need to have and create and put a lot of effort into good content. And the last thing I want to say with regards to that is that it’s not just about, OK, I’m going to do focus on creating great content and ignore paid digital marketing, or I’m going to just focus on paid digital marketing and ignore creating content. Doesn’t work like that anymore. Right. You really need to be holistic. You need to be supporting one campaign with the other, whether it’s your organic, with your paid or your paid, with your organic, it really requires the relationship to exist, to really stand out and be able to remain competitive. I think every time we are seeing less effective or less efficiency coming out of campaigns that are just into one single strategy, one single channel.

Liel: [00:11:16] So that’s one hundred percent to be considered. Now, Grace, since we’ve started the conversation about creating content and the importance of content and such, we also need to kind of be realistic about the fact that not everyone has at least to get started time for creating content. And I want to hear some tips from you as to what do you do in that kind of scenario because there are ways that you can still remain active, that you can still participate in conversations. Right. While you are building up some sort of infrastructure for getting started. But with that being said, I also want to point out that you don’t necessarily have to have a year’s worth of planning on in terms of your content calendar to get started. It shouldn’t be that complicated, right?

Liel: [00:12:18] I mean, what we’re going to be discussing here today, again, it’s a great way to complement potentially part of your content strategy, be that your social media strategy or part of what you’re doing in terms of generating and creating content. But it shouldn’t be your whole content strategy based out of this.

Liel: [00:12:37] Right. So let’s be clear about that. But with that introduction, very lengthy introduction. As a matter of fact. Let’s get started. Why don’t you tell us a little bit more about what you want to share with our listeners today.

Grace: [00:12:51] So I’m actually going to share a sort of a term that I became familiar with probably a couple of years ago that I really like. And it’s called newsjacking. Right. And so newsjacking is, according to the Oxford Dictionary, just so everybody knows, the practice of taking advantage of current events or news stories in such a way as to promote or advertise one’s product or brand.

Grace: [00:13:17] Basically, you’re taking current events and making it work for you so that the definition of newsjacking.

Liel: [00:13:26]  You know, news – jacking. That’s it.

Grace: [00:13:30] So in relation to newsjacking, what the reason that we’re talking about that and taking current events and exactly as Liel said, is super important for you to realize that this cannot be your entire marketing plan for content, but this is made to supplement and find a way to do it if you don’t have something already in place. That’s what newsjacking is for and you can utilize different tools. My two favorite tools for creating content based on current events and news are Google Alerts and Google Trends. What do you think about that, Liel?

Liel: [00:14:09] I think they’re extremely useful. I think they’re very disregarded. And the most important thing is that they’re absolutely free, right? I think I’ll be honest with you. I think Google Trends sometimes can be a little bit useless because it really requires volume to indicate interest levels and patterns. So it doesn’t, it’s not really great when you want to get to very granular metrics. But as a whole, as a resource, it’s fantastic because it really can help you get better, at least some baseline information that can help you get started in researching something, topics or anything. And Google alerts, that’s really kind of like the opposite. It’s extremely granular. You get to choose exactly by keyword, what are your interest, what you want to target, and just get notified in an easy way for your inbox any time that something that touches on that is being indexed by Google. And it’s great.

Grace: [00:15:14] Exactly. Google is telling you what is trending, Google is telling you what alerts pop up based on the keywords that you selected based on whatever it is that you set up for that. So that’s what I use both of them to kind of help me figure out what direction I want to go in with a particular event. Actually, I’ll give you an exact example that I just heard of not even a week ago, and that is a divorce lawyer, divorce law firm. They took the recent news about Kanye West and the Kardashians. Right. And the divorce that they’re going through. And they took that, put the news on a blog post, and basically took that and said, this is my take on the divorce and this is what’s going on. And this is what I would have suggested if I was your divorce lawyer. People like stories. People want to know what you think about how you’re going to handle something like that.

Grace: [00:16:10] What do you think, Liel? 

Liel: [00:16:12] One hundred percent way more engaging and we’re way more relevant approach than, you know, sometimes just coming out of the blue with your own topic. But and I mean, I think it’s really great. I think it could actually get you in front of potential people who are considering or are also in the search of a divorce law firm. The bottom line is that it’s great brand awareness, right? I mean, content strategy is not necessarily the bottom of the funnel sort of lead strategy content strategies more kind of like an awareness mid-funnel strategy. And for that reason, really anything that in a way or another relates to what you do, the type of services that you offer and that generates traffic, it’s worthwhile. And I 100 percent think that looking and being aware of all these trending topics is going to definitely give you an opportunity to come across with your message in a way that it’s going to be more interesting to your to the market as a whole, as a general thing. And just you know, it’s actually quite funny because that is exactly the kind of things that Google Trends is actually good at, like the divorce of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian would be one of those things that you would see as a trending topic on Google search trends. So it’s for those kinds of scenarios. It’s beautiful. It’s great. And that’s the reason why sometimes that is the best approach because you don’t want to get so super granular. Yes, sure. You want to talk about Zantac. Right. But the reality is that it’s not going to be trending probably in if you go into looking particularly what search volume Zantac has had in size, you know, you’re going to get very basic information. But potentially there could be other ways that you can talk about the type of case or the type of issues that pharmaceuticals have caused, including Zantac and Sojo, by actually kind of like latching on to another topic that can be associated with it.

Liel: [00:18:18] Does that make sense?

Grace: [00:18:19] A hundred percent Liel. And that’s perfectly put, because I’ll give you an example. While opioids are not ranitidine or Zantac, you could in theory, if you put it correctly and you do it the right way, you could, in theory, latch on to the current opioid crisis that is going on and talk about that in your take on it and then offer up to the reader. I handle these types of cases and include Zantac ASAT. So there are all kinds of opportunities for taking current events and current news to utilize it for yourself and for your firm to help more people. You know, and that’s basically what it is. It’s taking a story, putting your spin on it and making it so that the user understands that not only do you do this, this is part of your practice area. This is what you do for a living. But you have a story and you have a side and you understand the complexities of it. So much so that you can take a current event and make it in a way that somebody wants to read. Because who tell me, you know, this? How many of those darn MVA motor vehicle accident books can you get? How many of those how to go through your insurance company? Can you read? I mean, how many times do you see these like, oh, this is what Zantac is and this is the recall and these are the problems that you’re having with it? Enough of those. I mean, you already have those. There’s enough of those.

Liel: [00:19:43] I think Grace I think we’ve kind of like hit the ceiling already when it comes down to some particular types of content. I, I would tell you, I mean, if you had already kind of like, covered those basics, I would one hundred percent start focusing more on video. I think, you know, one very like it had its momentum a few years ago, the infographic and kind of like then people say, like, you know, it’s too complicated. It takes me too much time or whatever. And they stop doing them, but I actually think they’re actually very good, they’re very helpful, and for that reason is that I think videos are great. I think another very underutilized resource, particularly for websites, is actually adding GIFs to your website because there are short clips. They actually give you the same appearance as video, but they allow you to kind of do two of the best things that you can on a website. Right. The website, your website will continue to have text because that’s what websites are right. There are text-centered primarily, and you can still use the video to make it more engaging and interactive. And so I don’t know if you know, Apple does that a lot. A lot. They use these user experience where you as you’re scrolling through the page, you’re reading text, but also with emotional scrolling. There is video that’s actually happening on the background. Right. Of course, that’s advanced web development. But still, if you have an article right and every couple of scrolls on your mobile device, you get to a part where there is an animated picture, a GIF, showing you a 10, 15 second clip that it’s relevant to. The topic is kind of like blends both things. It keeps you’re reading another team at the same time it gives you a visual to engage you, because while video is great, video requires for you to hit play, stay static. You’re watching the video. Who knows? Maybe even go full screen and ignore the rest of the call to actions that are on the page. Whereas when you’re actually incorporating and integrating GIFs and that sort of thing, you are able to keep the user on the page looking at all of the other elements that you have around and at the same time reading make your written content more engaging. What do you think? Have you had experience with this kind of pages lately?

Grace: [00:22:12] Not recently. However, it’s funny that you mention that because even like I mean, years and years ago I got involved in animated GIFs, right. Because of the size of the content and video, it makes the page speed slower and with us, same with emails. Right. And so when it comes to emails and deliverability, I try not to ever include, if I can, links. Images don’t always come through. Right. We know that. But you have more chances of an email going through with an animated gif that was included in the image rather than a link, because links have potential issues of executed links and whatever else. Right. For spam reasons. So dealing with animated GIFs forever and actually building them out so that it looks like a full-blown video, but it’s just a gif and that reduces the amount of space that you’re taking up on the website. It’s for me, it’s the best way to do it, honestly. And I’ve always promoted GIFs over video when you need to write. I mean, obviously, video is best if you can.

Liel: [00:23:18] Yeah. So, I mean, of course, we’ve talked about this before. Most of times you won’t necessarily host video on your website. You would just have Vimeo embed or YouTube embed on your site. And that’s great. I mean, listen, if you’re at the point that you’re actually including videos on your website, then you’ve hit a whole new level. And that’s fantastic. Right? Let’s not make it look like a sudden you should now stop putting videos on your website and start using only GIFs. But at the same time, I mean, we’re just talking. And since the conversation started, also a little bit touching on user experience and such, I personally I’m talking from a personal standpoint as a user, I find it very engaging when I’m actually reading a document and instead of just being served, pull a static image as supporting material to the reading. I find it’s way more engaging when it’s a gif.

Liel: [00:24:11] And again, it’s also allowing you to use the best of both worlds using a little bit of video while at the same time not having to force the user to choose one over the other. Because that’s the one thing with the video in most of the way that we use it right now is that whenever you hit play video, you’re likely to have to stay static.

Liel: [00:24:34] Looking at that video and I don’t know if you’ve noticed Grace, but actually Facebook already started and they’ve been doing this for a while in a sense that when you actually are being served a video ad, so when you’re playing the video on your feed and then you click on the actual link of the ad, it keeps the video on the top half of the screen or top third of the screen. So you can still absorb that and either hear or watch it while you’re scrolling through the landing page. And that I think it’s great that I think it’s another really good solution of combining both things, but the bottom line is that we need to just keep in mind how users behave nowadays.

Liel: [00:25:26] And we like to multitask and we want to be able to keep our eyes sometimes in two things at a time. Right. Who doesn’t watch TV and uses his phone or her phone at the same time? We all do. So the same thing is happening when we were actually at a page. I want to hit play on the video or I want to see some video stuff. But at the same time, I want to skim through the content just to see what other bits and pieces of information I can get out of this.

Liel: [00:25:52] So I think that’s the kind of behavior and user behavior pattern that we need to take more into consideration as we’re moving forward in the way that we build our websites and create content.

Grace: [00:26:02] Yeah, user behavior. And you can actually see this. And I don’t think a lot of lawyers or I mean, I know a lot of marketers do, but a lot of lawyers may not understand or know this. You can see the user behavior on your website by just looking at Google Analytics. It’ll show you the flow from one page to the next page or one tracked page or landing page somewhere else that you might have to another.

Grace: [00:26:23] So you can always see how they’re going or taking time to go from one page to another, or if they’re spending no time at all and they’re bouncing right off of the page, you can adjust your content and how what you’re doing on your website. And exactly as Liel said, you should be building it with the user in mind, because that’s who it’s for. It’s not for you. It’s for your user to experience what you can provide to them and to give them the information that they’re looking for in the method with which they’re looking for this. Yeah, right.

Liel: [00:26:56] Totally, Grace. And the one thing I also want to mention here, right. Because you’ve presented Newsjacking in a very, very thorough and kind of like, wow, like. So here are the latest news. And here’s an article I wrote about that. Right. And that’s kind of like almost content, but newsjacking. Can we weigh more? In Hebrew we call it hutzpah. Right. Which means that, you know, shameless.

Grace: [00:27:22] Yeah.

Liel: [00:27:22] Yeah. So… 

Grace: [00:27:24] Because I was thinking that’s something we need to speak or discuss a bit about when it comes to newsjacking.

Liel: [00:27:29] Yeah. So basically you literally take an article that you did not a write, you share it on your social media, and you just literally to write three sentences on the top of it on the post text, and you just kind of like, you know, giving your three cents literally on it and linking to somebody else’s content. But why does this work? Well, number one. Because this is already a topic of interest, right? How do you know it’s a topic of interest? Well, because you’ve been observing how it’s been trending on Google Trends or because you have alerts set up through Google Alerts or because maybe you’re using other tools that are letting you know that, hey, these articles are actually having a ton of engagement on social networks. Right. One of those tools would be, for instance, buzzumo, which is actually really good. Now, that’s a way of doing it as well.

Liel: [00:28:23] And it’s totally fine. It’s totally fine. It’s about joining the conversation. Here is another one. You just go and start doing some more social media listening and join conversations and just look at topics that are actually having a ton of engagement and just jumping into that conversation and throwing your opinion and your three cents. And that’s networking on 2021 Grace. Right. I mean, that’s how we do things nowadays. And so I think all of these are very valid approaches to using digital platforms to create brand awareness and to build and expand your network. One thing I want to ask Grace about newsjacking, and I don’t have an actual name of a tool to mention here, but I will research one and add it to the episode notes is that you can actually write and this is and this is like personal injury, digital marketing one on one, a social media hacks is you go and check the latest news on car accidents in your area. Right? Take the article that ABC/CBS whichever of the local news networks recently published about it. Share it on social media as link you put up there. As I said, your three cents, which come in the shape of a comment as to why these things are preventable, why in case you or someone you know was involved in this particular car accident needs to get in touch with you and so forth and so on.

Liel: [00:29:58] And you link to the article. And, um, here is the thing, Grace. You can actually add on the other side on the news site article, you can actually put up your call to action in there. You can. You actually can get that link to have over it a CTA, a call to action on the bottom of the page that actually allows them to either initiate a call to your law firm or submit a Web form submission. This is not your site. You’re actually putting a CTA on somebody else’s site, but it’s obviously tied to the link that you’re using to share this particular article. Right. If you go to the site directly, you wouldn’t see it. But as long as you’re using this link, it will show your city over it Grace. Isn’t that genius?

Grace: [00:30:47] That’s very genius. And it’s funny that you said that because that was exactly what I was thinking when it came to adding little cards on certain videos and things like that on YouTube.

Grace: [00:30:57] And that’s what newsjacking is. It’s for you to take the article and rebrand it to a degree so that people know this is what I’m spending on this article. It’s not my me because you’re not stealing content, you’re just jacking the current event that’s happening and putting your spin on it. 

Liel: [00:31:17] 100 percent.

Liel: [00:31:18]  Super important. Right. And I know that you’ll agree with me on this one. You got to you have to be good with the timing. Right. Because let’s say I can’t be writing about the Texas power outage today necessarily. Right. That, oh, they’re all out of power right now. No, do not take a current event and then write about it like two weeks later, obviously. And that’s all for us. Yeah.

Liel: [00:31:44] Or at least adjust the the the at what stage in the events we are.

Grace: [00:31:50]   And then the tone. Right. Like you have to be super careful because you are talking about as an example, a divorce, an accident. You know, people got hurt during this. So please just be very careful in the way you take the news and put your spin on it in a way.

Grace: [00:32:08] And most lawyers know this and I think most marketers do as well. You just need to be careful with the way you come across. And so it doesn’t seem like you are a hanger on to a miserable event that happened and you really are truly giving them something that is of value by giving them this new piece of content and by jacking the news, because that’s the whole point of it. It’s not to just self-promote it. It’s to actually give them value in the end, a reason behind why you’re rewriting or giving your spin on something that happened.

Liel: [00:32:43] That’s right, Grace. So make it consistent to your law firm brand, and voice. Great. So we went through a few ideas of how to remain active and visible and in some way, generating some sort of content even when things get a little bit challenging. But as we’ve said, these are just some tips that you can use just to get started or to complement what you are already doing.

Liel: [00:33:09] So it’s time for our takeaways, Grace.

Grace: [00:33:12] All right, so for me, it’s I think the first takeaway would be there are tools out there to help you create your content, use them. There are free ones like Google Trends and Google Alerts. And as Liel very clearly pointed out, Google Trends, while its general can help you kind of figure out certain specifics that you want to drive, drive down into and Google Alerts is much more granular. So between these two free tools, you should be able to figure out not your entire content strategy necessarily, but to help you with specifics of something that you might want to write about right now.

Liel: [00:33:49] Yeah, Grace, let me add one other one, right. Use Twitter, like Twitter, it’s all about DOT, it’s about what’s trending. And so that’s another really, really great tool that you can use to just from your phone. Click on the app, go to the trends section, and you’re going to be able to see what’s trending in not just general in your local market, but at the national level for particular topics. It’s actually a really good way to get ideas or to confirm whether a topic is relevant or not. So that’s another one that I would 100 percent throw there. And it’s free, right, just to have a Twitter account. So that’s a really good one. Grace, I would say another one is it’s perfectly fine to get inspired by other trending articles that you’re coming across with and then remaking them into your own version. I think we’re all very critical readers. Most of times we read things, and particularly when it touches on area of expertise of ours, most of us would be like, oh, but there were missing these sort of not saying that orders. So that’s exactly a great asset if you’re that kind of person that responds that way sometimes when you’re reading something that actually is about something that you have an expertise where you care for. So use that to create talking points so that you can go ahead then and rewrite an article and make it even better. Right. And then, of course, there is a lot of techniques, if you may, for then putting that content into work. Right. So if it’s really a topic or a piece of content that is already trending and it’s already has a lot of interest, then you can certainly reach out to people who have already commented and have shown interest on that original piece of content that you wrote or that you read and tell them. Well, here is as Grace was saying, here is my take. Here is why I’m doing things a little bit differently. And share it there, right there on the platform. That’s another thing. That’s another thing that people do, right? You go to conversations and social networks that already have a ton of engagement or trending. There’s a lot of people there and they’re talking. And so you can actually go there and say, well, I’ve created my own take on this, and here it is for those who want to read it. And that’s a very, very powerful way of doing it. Now, you don’t want to come across a spammy, right, because you’re going to get kicked out of the conversation most likely, or your post is going to be taken down or whatever. But if it’s actually relevant and it contributes and it adds value, then you’re potentially going to be allowed to keep your post there and allow it to get the exposure that it potentially deserves. So don’t just create your content and then keep it in your website. Burry it for Google one day to find it and allow it to get to rank in position number one, be proactive about it. At the same time. Grace, your last takeaway.

Grace: [00:36:49] So my last takeaway is related to the newsjacking as a whole. Just be careful and be conscious of what information you’re putting out there, how you’re presenting yourself and what story you do right in terms of using that news or current events to spin. You know, really, that’s it. That’s my last one, is just obviously be conscious of your timing and your tone and but there’s tons of information and current events and news out there that you can use that will help you not just promote but also provide a story and help and information because that’s the whole point of being attorneys. You got into it because you wanted to help others. And so look at it from that perspective. Look at it from that point of view. You are not being you know, you’re truly not being shameless if this is the goal, right. Is to help people. So put your spin on it, take the news and take something that’s important to you and put it out there, because people always want to hear a story and they always want to see what other people are thinking about how that works. And correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s kind of how I’ve always looked at content.

Liel: [00:38:04] Yeah, absolutely. Grace and I agree with everything you said now. I also think another thing you’ve mentioned during the conversation is give credit where credit is to. Newsjacking is perfectly fine. But, you know, just taking content from other parties and try to make it look like it’s yours. That’s not recommended, right? Yeah. I mean, it’s penalized. Google doesn’t like it. You’re going to not benefit from it. And as Grace said, it’s just ethically and morally incorrect. So that’s not what we are encouraging here. It’s ways that you can actually use existing content to join a conversation to contribute to something without trying to take credit for it.

Liel: [00:38:53] Grace, great conversation. I think, you know, there’s so many, like takes you through so many different tangents that you can actually easily get into. But it’s important to remind ourselves it’s all about staying active, creating content, and being part of the conversations that are happening now in our world. Thank you so much. And we’ll be back right?

Grace: [00:39:17] Yes, we will. And happy birthday.

Liel: [00:39:23] If you like our show, make sure you subscribe. Tell your co-workers, leave us a review, and send us your questions to ask@incamerapodcast.com. We’ll see you next week.

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